Thursday, June 26, 2008

Making Life Worth While

So today i realize that i might be a little crazy.

It seems like forever since i graduated high school (three weeks)

and i don't know when this whole adult thing is supposed to take place.

I know i should go to college, but that is full of so many decisions. Should i follow my dreams and be a hairstylist, should i go to a junior college, and than get a four year degree...which would mean DEBT!

OH well either way i'm 17 so the people at Chase Visa do not entirely own my ass yet, but who knows.

Us Scorpios hate it when they don't have everything figured out right away.



Friday, March 28, 2008

my socialvibe

...i'm not on ever so this is my socialvibe that i wanted to promote!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Summer Hotness... getting better. My best friend hasn't logged into his myspace or been on xbox live in exactly one week. I'm starting to get a little scared. I mean it is pretty hard to go a week without logging into your precious and sacred myspace. I doubt i could go very long without logging into it.

My computer still has this virus, and its moving pretty slow.

I get to do some moving this weekend so no plans there.:(, i need to go to the beach or a lake or a river or something. Its not like I haven't done anything interesting, I mean I haven't been all that angry at the world these past few days. haha, but seriously watching the Disney Channel can calm you out.

What else is new...oh yeah, we have relatives visiting so that should be nice, to see some new people for a change. Why does our family have to be so spread out across the country. I have relatives that are so far away, that its like I never get to see them.

Anyways, thanks for reading my little blog here.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Today is...

...lame, why is summer soo friggin boring. The greatest part of my day was beating Oblivion!

YAY!...okay i'm retarded but it is a really long game.

There isn't much to say, other than our pipes were being worked on so running water was hard to come by.

It is also hot today, and I found out that my doctor's appointment is tuesday. I need glasses, and i've heard soo many horror stories about getting glasses.

My computers got a virus, so i'll try to write later.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Well Today Is...

...okay, i guess. I have had my account for a year, and i haven't gotten many people to view it soo, i came on here i hopes to join some sort of blog cult. haha

My day is going okay, as said earlier. My summer is like the most boring thing ever. I need to plan something, but Summer School is starting soon, and i'm taking Photo! I love summer school, because it keeps me active, and keeps me wanting more. I know that sometimes school can be a drag, but for the most part I happen to enjoy it.

The boring parts of my day are long, and i can't keep playing my xbox forever!

maybe i can...

Oh well, i got this amazing game called Oblivion, maybe you have heard of it. It has sweet graphics, and makes my day go by really quick. I'm pretty far in the game, and i've ditched my flagrant social life in order to play this monster of a game. I also enjoy talking to my friends while i totally kick butt on the game.

Adam <3's Xbox

Anyways I miss school already, i need to get back with everyone as soon as i can. Isn't it weird, when your in school, completly stressed out with headaches, migraines, and other stuff, and all you want is for school to get out, but at the end you totally forgot to plan everything!

Life is pretty complicated. hehe
